Tips for eating out healthily
Going out for a meal or buying lunch and/or snacks outside can spoil your healthy eating if you make the wrong choices. That doesn’t mean...
Diet & Ramadham
Dr. Farouk Haffejee Islamic Medical Association of South Africa - Durban Source: Jamiatul Ulama (Kwazulu-Natal) During the holy month of...
Nutrition Myths
Low-fat or no-fat diets are good for you. We sometimes believe that food labelled as ‘fat free’ or ‘low fat’ are better for you and to...
Fish Lasagne
Ingredients (4 portions) 450g white fish fillets (e.g.: coley, ling, catfish, hallibut and pollack), skinned 1 teaspoon sunflower oil 1...
Preparation Techniques for Fish
Scaling A Fish The fish should be held firmly by the tail. Use the back of the round knife to remove the scales from tail to head. Hold...
Spicy Tuna and Tomato Sauce
Ingredients (2- 3 portions) 1 medium size onion, finely chopped 3 garlic cloves 1 green pepper, chopped 2 inches/8cm fresh ginger, peeled...
Healthy Foods That Calm & De-Stress
These days people has a busy life and it is very stressful, so, eating healthy food to calm and de-stress is very important. Drinks like...
Easy Summer Pudding
Ingredients 225g (8 oz) fresh or frozen mixed fruit, such as raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, etc. 150m. (1/4 pt) water 2...
How to Eat Well on a Budget
Eating well can be easy if you follow some simple guidelines. If you are going shopping, it is always useful to plan in advance your menu...
Recipe: Leek and Mushroom Risotto
Ingredients (1 portion) 15ml Vegetable Oil 1 Small Leek, thinly sliced 50grams Risotto or Long grain Rice 360ml (2/3 pt) Hot vegetable or...